There is a very good chance that the Charlotte Hornets could end up moving some of their veteran players at some point this season. This would be due to the team underperforming and needing to focus on the future of the organization. Should the Hornets go down that road, three names instantly come to mind as options that could be traded to a new team.

1. Ish Smith
Let’s get this one out of the way first. Ish Smith was essentially a last-minute addition to the roster. Smith is yet to play in a game this season and is someone who is clearly not in the long-term plans of the Hornets. This is not a slight to Smith in any way, but what this comes down to is a numbers game. When it comes to the hierarchy of players on this Hornets roster, Smith is near or at the bottom.
Is it possible for Smith to remain with the team longer than anyone would expect? Sure. But it is also possible that Smith is the first player that the team decides to cut ties with once others begin to return to the roster. When evaluating both possibilities, the latter seems much more likely than the former.