The season is only six games old, and the Charlotte Hornets’ 2-4 record is far from ideal. With that being said, there are three members of the Charlotte Hornets organization with stocks that are skyrocketing and two others that are fading fast.

Skyrocketing: Brandon Miller
The early returns on the Charlotte Hornets’ decision to select Alabama forward Brandon Miller with the second overall pick in the most recent NBA Draft have been beyond encouraging. Miller is averaging 13.2 points per game on 43.9% from the field and just under 31% from three-point range.
Of course, the season is incredibly young, and the career of Miller is just getting started. There is a scenario where the trajectory that Miller appears to be on currently changes drastically for better or for worse. But as things stand currently, Miller does appear to heading in a positive direction, and his rising stock reflects that.